High quality insights in a fraction of the time.SAVING TIME AT
Pay Annually (Save 22%)Quarterly
Billed annually
1 seat
A powerful AI research assistant
Everything sourced & cited for you
Dozens of automated workflows
Publish or export to Google Docs
Up to 300 research credits /mo /user
Billed annually
5 seats
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Everything in Freelancer, plus:
Unlimited "lite" users
Create custom workflows for your AI
Run scheduled, recurring workflows
Collaborate on research with your team
Priority support
Teams Pro
Billed annually
10 seat minimum
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Everything in Teams, plus:
Search social media platforms
Integrate paid-access sources
Unlimited file upload & analysis
Unlimited portfolio
Includes 1 custom expert workflow
EnterpriseBilled annually
50 seat minimum
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Everything in Teams Pro, plus:
Workspace administration
Single sign-on (SSO)
Advanced controls
Dedicated account manager
Hands-on trainings
Custom contract
Includes 5 custom expert workflows
Expert workflows
$199 /hour
Custom workflows built by our experts for you to automate anything from pitch processes to due diligence analysis. We'll work with your team turn unique insights into a process that runs when you need
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10 hours of work in 10 minutes
"Categorically I've leaned on Waldo to get smart fast on a new vertical or a new client. We've found awesome stuff that would have taken hours. The brief export has been awesome."
"Waldo is amazing for efficiency on the strategy team. This will cut down on 10-15 hours of time in reports we do each week. Giving the account team the knowledge to answer simple client questions is so useful. "
"We get requests for insights all the time it's great that you can make everything so customizable. You can do a POV in 10 minutes in Waldo. You blew my mind for this. No one has any free time so this is impressive."